Friday, January 8, 2010

Keep Calm and Carry On

If you follow any kind of design or culture blog practically anywhere, you've probably come across the slogan above in the past few months.  Due to an intrepid entrepreneur, what was originally designed as a message from the British Government to citizens during World War II (although it was never publicly used much) is now plastered on everything from chocolate bars to tea towels.  Awesome!  Just what I want: a historically insignificant image printed on my sweets and sweats.  Pass.

That was my opinion, until...I got the latest CB2 catalog yesterday.  (Please don't ever let them open an actual store in DC - I'd want to live there!)  Casually flipping through I saw the usual mix of bright colors and plexiglass and then, well, dang it, I saw the most fabulous rug.  It's in orange, my signature decorating color, imprinted with an image in gray, my second favorite color.  And guess what it says?

You guessed correctly.  And now I really, really, really want this for my apartment.  But I shall resist, for my wallet will thank me later.  In the meantime, I guess I'll just keep calm and...well, you know the rest.


KT on January 8, 2010 at 1:15 PM said...

The two posters that actually were distributed, I feel, were even better - and of course, your anglophile sister as all three, just waiting to be framed:)

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