Thursday, July 30, 2009

PSA: Sweet Kittehs

As many of you know, this blogger is passionate about mah kittehs, H & P (just look at them!). They're so precious and loving; I can't imagine my life without them. Many evenings and weekends find me pet sitting as a part-time job. It's probably the best PT job ever (okay, it's a close tie with fashion, but that's another story) in that I get to goof around with rabbits, cats, dogs, and sometimes other things (the occasional ferret and hamster), while being paid to keep an eye on someone's home. Like I said: nearly perfect.

Currently, my summer's filled with the on-again/off-again sitting for five (5!) kittens and an older female cat at a neighbor's house. Only the kittens are rescue kitties and all are looking for forever homes. Their feeding and care in their foster mother's house is supported by Alley Cat Allies, an amazing organization that realizes the value feral cats bring to an urban ecosystem, while simultaneously acknowledging that spayed and neutered animals are happier and healthier animals. Check out their PSA:

If you're looking to add a sweet kitten to your home, any of these five would be a great addition. They're about 12 weeks old, litter trained, playful, fluffy, and just about every other good thing one looks for in a kitten. Contact Alley Cat Allies directly or consult their website for adoption opportunities.

Okay, I'm off my soapbox. Mee-yow.


Marilyn on July 30, 2009 at 3:37 PM said...

I would be very tempted to adopt one if I was closer !!! It's good to love and be loved :)

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